(الأفعال الخمسة) The Five Verbs


                              (الأفعال الخمسة)  The Five Verbs

By: Yusuf Basirat Bolanle

The five verbs refer to all the present tense that has the following attached to them at the end:

1- The dual alif (الف الإثنين)

2- The masculine plural waw (واو الجماعة)

3- The Singular Second person feminine yaa (ياء المخاطبة) 

The Five Verbs are: 

1-  يفعلان

2- تفعلان

3-  يفعلون 

4-  تفعلون 

5-  تفعلين 

The Five verbs have five usage:

1- Two usage with the dual alif (الف الإثنين), they are:- (يفعلان) and (تفعلان)

2- Two usage with the masculine plural waw (واو الجماعة). They are:

- (يفعلون) and (تفعلون)

3- One usage with the second person feminine singular (ياء المخاطبة) and that is (تفعلين)


1- Words like (جلسا), (كتبا) are not parts of the five verbs because they are past tense and not present tense, despite having dual alif  attached to them.

2-  Also, words like)  اجلسوا), (افتحوا), (اكتبوا) are not parts of the five verbs because they are command tenses, despite ending with the masculine plural waw (واو الجماعة)

3- Likewise, words like (يكتب), (يجلس), (يفتح) are not parts of the five verbs because none of (الف الاثنين), (واو الجماعة) or (ياء  المخاطبة) is attached to them at the end, despite they are all present tense.

What is the grammatical analysis of The five verbs in Arabic Language?

The following are the grammatical analysis of the five verbs:

1- Each of the five verbs ends with the affirmation of nun (ثبوت النون) when they are in Nominative case, i.e in the position to take Ad-dammah sign like subjective position. E. g (يجلسان), (تجلسان), (يجلسون), (تجلسون) and (تجلسين)

2- The Nun (ن) at the end of the five verbs will be removed (حذف النون)  when they are in Accusative case to take Al-fatha sign, like Objective case E. g (لن تجلسا), (لن يجلسا), (لن يجلسوا), (لن تجلسوا) and (لن تجلسى)

3- Also, The Nun (ن) at the end of the five verbs will be removed (حذف النون)  when they are in Genitive case to take As-sukun sign like prepositional position E. g (لم يجلسا), (لم تجلسا), (لم يجلسوا), (لم تجلسوا) and (لم تجلسى)

However, The Nominative case of The five verbs can be used in a sentence in the following ways :

1- As the Subject (فاعل) in a sentence. Examples are: (يكتبان) (تكتبان), (يكتبون) (تكتبون), (تكتبين) 

2- As the subject assistant (نائب الفاعل) in a sentence. Examples are: (يُضربان) (تُضربان), (يُضربون) (تُضربون), (تُضرِبين) 

3- As the noun to the verb Kaana and its sisters (اسم كان و أخواتها). Examples are: (يكونان) (تكونان), (يكونون) (تكونون), (تكونين) 

Summarily, The Five Verbs can be easily identified and summarized in the following group of examples:

الضمير             الرفع                النصب                 الجزم

Genitive case   Accusative case   Nominative case   Pronoun 

هما          يكتبان           لن يكتبا          لم يكتبا

أنتما          تكتبان          لن تكتبا         لم تكتبا

هم         يكتبون          لن يكتبوا        لم يكتبوا

أنتم         تكتبون         لن تكتبوا        لم تكتبوا

أنتِ          تكتبين          لن تكتبى         لم تكتبى

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