The Fixed Construction Verbs (الأفعال المبنيات)

 الأفعال المبنيات

The Fixed Construction Verbs

By: Yusuf Basirat Bolanle


In Arabic language, the end of a word can remain the same or fixed if met some conditions or govern by some governors in a sentence, while it can also change in some other conditions if preceded by certain particles. However, verbs in Arabic language are expected to be fixed ended, because that is the origin for every verb.

The fixed condition in verbs means that the end of the verb remains the same without being changed despite being used in different positions in the sentence. 

The Past and The Command Tenses are fixed ended in their construction while met with certain conditions while the present tense is not. Now, Let us shed more light on the two types of verbs that are fixed ended construction. They are The past and the command tenses.

            A.  The Past Tense   (فعل الماضى) 

The past tense are actions that are done in the past. In Arabic language, it is referred to as (فعل الماضى). This past tense is always fixed at the end, if met some conditions or if controlled by some particles or govern by some governors as said earlier.  The Past tense can be Fixed on the following four signs:

1. (يبنى على الفتح) Can be fixed on Al-fatha sign
2.  (يبنى على السكون) Can be fixed on As-sukun sign
3.  (يبنى على الضمة) Can be fixed on Ad-dammah sign
4.  (يبنى على حذف حرف العلة) can be fixed the removal of sick alphabets.

1- (بينى على الفتح) Fixed on Al-fatha sign

The Past tense in Arabic language can be fixed on Al-fatha sign in the following conditions:
- If nothing is attached to it at the end. Examples are (كتبَ), (جلسَ), (فتحَ), (رجعَ) and so on.
-  If Feminine Taa (تاء التانيث) is attached to it at the end. Examples are (جلسَتْ), (فتحَتْ), (دخلَتْ), (رجعَتْ) and so on.
-  If the Dual Alif  (الف الاتنين) is attached to it at the end. Examples are (جلسٍا), (فتحَا), (رجعَا), (دخلَا) and so on.
- If Nazb Pronoun (ضمير النصب) is attached to it at the end. Examples are (ضربَنى), (ضربَه), (ضربَك), (ضربَنا) and so on.
If all these aforementioned conditions are met, then the past tense takes only Al-fatha sign at the end

2- (يبنى على السكون)  Fixed on As-sukun Sign
The past tense can be fixed on As-sukun sign in the following conditions:
-  When subjective Taa (تاء الفاعل) is attached to it at the end. Examples are (جلسْتُ), (جلسْتَ), (جلسْتِ), (جلسْتم) and so on.
-  When subjective Nun (نا الفاعل) is attached to it at the end. Examples are (فتحْنا), (كتبْنا), (ضربْنا), (فهمْنا) and so on.-  When plural feminine Nun (نون النسوة) is attached to it at the end. Examples are (كتبْنَ), (جلسْنَ), (فتحْنَ), (دخلْنَ) and so on.

 3.  (يبنى على الضمة) Fixed on Ad-dammah 

The past tense is fixed on Ad-dammah sign in the following conditions:
-  When the plural masculine Waw (واو الجماعة) is attached to it at the end. Examples are (كتبُوا), (جلسُوا), (فتحُوا), (دخلُوا) and so on.

         B.   The Command Tense (فعل الأمر)

The command tense in Arabic language is a request action by the speaker to the second person, requesting from him/her to carry out a specific task. This command tense is always fixed in construction and on four particular conditions. These conditions are the follows:

1-  (يبنى على السكون) Fixed on As-sukun sign

-  When feminine plural nun (نون النسوة) is attached to it. Examples are (اكتبْن), (اخرجْن), (اشرحْن), (افتحْن) and so on.
-  If it has a sound end (صحيح الأخر) and nothing is attached to it at the end. Examples are (افتحْ), (اسمعْ), (اجلسْ), (ادخلْ) and so on.
-  When nazb pronun (ضمير النصب) is attached to its end. Examples are (أكرمْنى), (أكرمْه), (أكرمْها), (أكرمْهم) and so on.

2-  (يبنى على الفتح) Fixed on Al-fatha sign 

Always fixed on Al-fatha sihn in the following conditions:
-  When Nun At-tawkeed (نون التوكيد) is attached to its end. Examples are (اكتبَنَّ), (افتحَنَّ), (اخرجَنَّ), (اسمعَنَّ) and so on.

3-  (يبنى على حذف حرف العلة) Fixed on the removal of sick alphabets 

This happens in the following conditions:
-  If the verb ends with a sick alphabet and nothing is attached to that end. Examples are (اُدْعُ), (اِسْعَ), (اِرْمِ), (اتَّقِ) and so on.
-  If Nazb pronoun (ضمير النصب) is attached to it at the end. Examples are (اهدِنا), (اهدِهم), (اهدِها), (اهدنِى) and so on.

4-  Fixed on the removal of Nun (حذف النون) 

in the following conditions: -  If the dual alif (الف الاتنين) is attached to its end. Examples are (اذهبا), (افتحا), (اخرجا), (اسمعا) and so on.
-  if the masculine plural waw (واو الجماعة) is attached to its end. Examples are (كلوا), (اشربوا), (اسمعوا), (افتحوا) and so on.
-  if a second person feminine yaa (ياء المخاطبة) is attached to its end. Examples are (اسجدِى), (افتحى), (اسمعِى), (ادخلِى) and so on.

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