Adventure Story (The Relic)


Adventure Story

The Relic 

By: Issah Abeebllahi Issah

Once upon a time, there lived 3 ‘friends’. Issah, Rodiyah, and Habeeb. They were living a good life in the town of Manicine. One day, Issah was doing his job, and his friend a.k.a Manikom told him about an abandoned castle that had a hidden relic in it. 

The relic allowed people to travel between different universes. Then, after Issah and Rodiyah finished their jobs, they were already planning to go there, but Habeeb was reluctant to go there. When they arrived, they found the relic that Manikom was talking about. Issah tried touching the relic, but as he got close, the relic sucked the three into the “Universal Dashboard''.

 Rodiyah began worrying but Issah confronted her: “Oh, it’s probably some sort of loading screen, something is definitely going to happen '' he said. Then, the master of the relic appeared in front of them, asking them which universe they wanted to go to, Issah said: “Oh that’s easy, the Issah Universe obviously!”. 

Rodiyah and Habeeb asked: What in the world of Manicine is the Issah Universe? Issah said: “It is the place where I used to live before I came to earth!”. When they arrived at the Issah universe, the Issahs thought they were intruders for a second, until another Issah said: “Wait a minute, it’s Issah! We haven’t seen him for eons! Issah replied saying: “Yep! And these are Rodiyah and Habeeb, I wasn’t able to visit here before because I had no way to travel between universes. I came here through the relic in the Abandoned Castle”. 

After some time, they heard horrible news. The Issah Master could not be found. The Issah Master is the leader of all the Issahs, and everyone knew that the Issah Master wouldn’t quit or anything, so they assumed that he had been kidnapped.

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