الكلمة وأقسامها (The Word and its Parts in Arabic Language)

الكلمة وأقسامها  (The Word and its Parts in Arabic Language)

By: Yusuf Basirat Bolanle


(الكلمة) Al-kalimoh, is an Arabic word which means the word, it is any word that may or may not convey any reasonable meaning. Arabic sentence consists of several words combined together to form a meaningful statement. For instance, (محمد) Muhammad, (كتاب) book, (قطة) cat, (شجرة) tree, (على) on, (في) in, (جلس) sat, (كتب) wrote and so on, are all words; some of these words make sense while some dont while stand alone. However, the combination of two or more of these words can make a reasonable sentence. For example, كتاب and محمد are two different words, putting them together make كتاب محمد (Muhammad's book).

أقسام الكلمة (Parts of the word)

Words have three major parts in Arabic language, they are:

1-  الاسم (Noun)
2-   الفعل (Verb)
3-   الحرف (Letter)

1-       الاسم (Noun)

The first part of a word in Arabic language is a noun. A noun is a word that has or convey a meaning on its own without need to be associated with anything. When a name is mentioned, we need not looking for a specific time before we know the meaning of who or what is being called. Examples of nouns are:
 (Ahmad) أحمد,  (book) كتاب,  (pen) قلم,  (tree) شجرة,  (Maryam) مريم,  (house) بيت,  (dog) كلب  and so on

(علامات الاسم) Signs of Nouns In Arabic Language

Nouns have signs which differentiate them from any other words like verb and preposition. If any of these signs is found in a word, just know that it is a noun. These signs aree:
1- الجر (Preposition)
2-  التنوين (Attanween: Fathataan, Kasrataan, Dammataan)
3- النداء  (Calling)
4-  (دخول  (ال  (Definite alif and lam)
5-  الإسناد إليه (Relating a word with a known)

الجر (The preposition)

This is a word that shows the relationship between two or more words. The prepositional noun usually takes al-kasrah sign at its end. examples are:
سلمت علي محمد (I greeted Muhammad)
رأيته في الغرفة (I saw him in the room)
The nouns that follow the prepositions in the above sentences are: Muhammad and the room because they both came after one of the prepositional alphabets (علي) and (في)

التنوين (At-tanween)

At-tanween is a hidden (ن) written in form of the second harakah in Al-fathataan, Al-kasrataan and Ad-dammataan. Any words with these parsing marks are all nouns. examples are:
كلب, قلم, كتاب, شجرة, قطة  and so on

النداء (The Calls)

In arabic language, any words that is preceeded by one of the calling words is a noun. This is because only a name can be called and not the other way round. examples are:  يا, يأيها, يا أيتها  and so on: like  يا ولد,(you boy) يا هذا,  (you this) يا غلام (you young boy).

دخول ال (The definite article Alif and Lam)

 In arabic language, any words that is attached with ( ال) is a noun. (ال) makes a noun to transform to a definite noun from its original indefinite state. examples are; الكتاب, القلم, الرجل,  البيت, الجماعة  and so on

الإسناد إليه ( unknown word related to a known word)
If an unknown word is joined or related with a known word in Arabic language, the unknown automatically becomes known in the sentence. examples are: كتاب أحمد, قلم أستاذ, and so on.

2-  (الفعل) The Verb

A verb is a word that has meaning or is meaningful on its own and has to do with one of the following time: the past, the present or the future. for instance:
جلس  (indicates the sitting in the past)
يجلس  (indicates the sitting in the present time)
اجلس  (indicates the sitting in the future time after request)

(أقسام الفعل) Types of verbs

1-   فعل الماضي  (The past tense)
2-    فعل المضارع  (The present tense)
3-   فعل الأمر   (The command tense)

 1-               فعل الماضي  (The past tense)

This type of verb is talking about actions performed before the time of discussion. examples are:  جلس (he sat),  قرأ  (he read), فتح (he opened), خرج (he went out), دخل (he entered),  and so on.
One of the signs to identify past tense in Arabic language is for the verb to be able to take feminine taa (تاء التأنيث الساكنة) at its end. examples are:  جلست (she sat),  قرأ ت (she read), فتحت (she opened), خرجت (she went out), دخلت (she entered),  and so on.

2-  فعل المضارع   (The present tense)

This is a verb that indicates an action performed at the present time or the time of discussion. examples are:  يجلس (he sits/sitting),  يقرأ  (he reads\reading), يفتح (he opens/opening), يخرج (he goes/going out), يدخل (he enters/entering),  and so on. 
This type of verb in most cases can also be used to express the future action or occurence. This happens with the addition of prefix (س) or (سوف) before the verb. examples are:  سيجلس  (he will sit),  سوف يقرأ  (he will read), سوف أفتح (I will open), سيخرج (he will go out),  and so on.

3-  فعل الأمر  (The Command Tense)

This type of verb happens at request. It indicates the ooccurence of the event after the discussion time. This is because, it is an action to be performed after the request  by the speaker. Examples are:  اجلس (sit),  اقرأ  (read), افتح (open), اخرج (go out), ادخل (enter),  and so on. The main condition attached to this type of verb is that, it must come at request.

                       3-  الحرف    (Alphabet)

The third part of a sentence is alphabet. An alphabet is a word that does not have a reasonable meaning on its own. Alphabets have meanings but their meanings cannot show except they are used with other words to form a complete or meaningful sentence. Examples are: من (from), على (on), في (in), تحت (under), فوق (over).   Examples:

الكتاب فوق المكتب  (The book is over the table)
ضع القلم علي المنضدة (put the pen on the table)
الكلب تحت المقعد (the dog is under the seat)

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