Relative Nouns In Arabic Language (الأسماء الموصولة)

 Relative Nouns In Arabic Language

 (الأسماء الموصولة)

By: Yusuf Basirat Bolanle


In Arabic language, nouns are divided into categories, and among these categories is a relative noun. Relative nouns in English language is mostly referred to as "Relative Pronouns" but in Arabic language, it is known as "Relative Nouns" or "Relative Pronouns" as the case may be.

What is a relative noun?

A relative noun in Arabic language is known as (اسم الموصول). it is one of the classes of definite nouns, which is serving as a connector between words of a sentence, for nouns that appears before or after it. Thereby, shedding more light on a previously known or identified nouns. A relative noun is a definite noun use to explain or specify the sentence before or after it.

However, there is a (صلة), the phrase, that comes after the relative nouns to explain the nouns before it, which must  posses a pronoun linking or returning to (الموصول) and must agreed with (the linking noun). Also, the clause sentence can be either a nominal or a verbal sentence. 

Here are the Relative Nouns In Arabic Language

1-  الذى (For singular masculine)

2-  التى  (for singular feminine)

3-  اللذان  (for dual masculine)

4-  اللتان  (for dual feminine)

5-  الذين  (for plural masculine)

6-  اللائ  (for plural feminine)

7-  من (for brainy living things only)

8-  ما  (for non-brainy living & non-living things)

Let us give some examples to illustrate each of them.

1-  (الذى) (for singular masculine)

This is used for a singular masculine, either the noun is a living or non living thing, to describe the noun after or before it. examples are:

ضربت الذى ضربنى

I beat who beat me

دعوت الولد الذى فى الغرفة

I called the boy that is in the room

وقفت مع الذى قرأ القرآن فى الصباح

I stood with the one who read the Quran in the morning

الكتاب الذى على المكتب لأبى

the book that is on the table is for my father

2-  (التى) (for singular feminine)

This is used for a singular feminine, either the noun is a living or non living thing, to describe the feminine noun after  it. examples are:

جلست التى فى الفصل

the one in the class sat down

رأيت القطة التى عند أمى أمس

I saw the cat that was with my mother yesterday

ضرب المدرس البنت التى رسبت فى الامتحان

the teacher beat the girl that failed in the exam

سافرت التى كانت عند جدى

the one that is with my grandfather has travelled

3-  (اللذان) (for dual masculine)

This is used to describe two masculine nouns in a sentence, the two masculine nouns can be living or non living thins as well. examples are:

حبيب وعيسى هما اللذان كتبا الكتاب

Habeeb and Issah were the one who wrote the book

القلمان اللذان أخذتهما عند أخى

the two pen that i took from my brother

جاء الولدان اللذان ضربا أخى

 the two boys that beat my brother came

حضر اللذان كتبا بخط جميل

the two that wrote with beautiful handwriting were present

4-  (اللتان) (for dual feminine)

This is a relative noun used to describe two feminine entities after or before it. the two entities can be living or non-living things. examples are:

البنتان اللتان فى البيت حضرتا

the two girls that were in the house present

جاءت اللتان تسكنان فى المغرب

the two that are living in Morocco came

حضرت اللتان غابتا بالأمس

the two that absent yesterday present

راضية ورقية هما اللتان وصلتا أولا

Rodiyah and Ruqoyyah were both came first

5-  (الذين) (for plural masculine)

This relative noun is specifically used to describe plural masculine nouns before or after it. these plural masculines can also be living or non living thins, examples are:

نحب العلماء الذين علّمونا القرأن

we loved the scholars that taught us the Quran

رأينا المسلمين الذين وصلوا نيجيريا

We saw the Muslims that arrived Nigeria

رأيت المدرسين الذين حضروا معنا

I saw the teachers that arrived with us

انظر إلى الذين ضربوا أخى

look at those that beat my brother

6-  (اللائ) (for feminine plural)

This is used for feminine plural nouns. it describe them either living or non-living thins. examples are below:

إن أمهاتهم إلا اللائ ولدنهم

surely, their mothers are those who gave birth to them

سلّمت على اللائ يطبخن فى المطبخ

i greeted those that are cooking in the kitchen

حضرت الأخوات اللائ فى الجامعة

the sisters that are in the university present

رسبت البنات اللائ لا يقرأن كتبهن

the girls that did not read their books failed

7-  (من) (for brainy living things, e.g humans)

This is a relative noun used solely to describe nouns with functioning brains, mostly human beings. it is not generally used for all living things for there are among living thing which are not humans and without functioning brains, examples are:

أحسن إلى من أحسن إليك

be good to who is good to you

نحب من عمل صالحا

we loved who do good deeds

أردّ على من يسلم علي

I replied who greeted me

انصر من نصرك فى شدائد

help those who helped you in hard time

8-  (ما) (for non-brainy beings)

This is mainly used to describe nouns without brain, this mostly are not human beings but may be other living or non-living things. examples are:

لا تقول ما لا تفعل

do not say what you can not do

قرأت كل ما كتب فى الكتاب

I read all what is written in the book

لا تكلف نفسك ما لا تطيق

Do not do what is beyond your capacity

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