Moral Story: The Proud Man

The Proud Man

By: Issah Abeebllahi Issah

Once upon a time, there lived a man named Ahmad. Ahmad was a very proud man. Whenever something bad happens to someone, Ahmad would start laughing and mocking that person.

Ahmad disrespected everybody. The leaders, the government, even that poor person living down the street! He kept on bragging about how he was “better” and “superior” to everyone.

One day, everyone decided that they had enough of Ahmad’s behavior, so they started planning a plan to teach him a lesson. The plan was that in the night, everyone would secretly hide in their bunkers, leaving Ahmad with no one to brag with.

Ahmad woke up the next day, very confused as to why there was no one in the country, Ahmad was sad because he had no one to brag about his “superiority” with. After a long while, everyone came back, expecting Ahmad to have learned his lesson, but he kept on acting the same way.

One day, while Ahmad was getting ready to sleep, he saw a secret door, so being who he is, he thought: “Hmm… Maybe there are people in there that want to listen to my greatness and superiority?”, so he went inside.

When Ahmad got inside, he saw many weird-shaped creatures, and they were discussing things. Ahmad interrupted their conversation by saying: “Don’t you agree on the fact that I’m superior to all of you?”. The weird-shaped creatures stared at Ahmad, and kicked him out of the place, but Ahmad was so willing to tell them about his superiority, so he started making a plan.

Ahmad tried putting a speaker in the place, which repeated the words “I am more superior!”, but that didn’t get their attention. He even tried disguising himself as one of them and said the same thing, but that didn’t work either. But when Ahmad came for the last time, he found them discussing what to do with Ahmad.

When they spotted him, they trapped him inside a cage, Ahmad pleaded to go out, but they didn’t release him. After many days they finally decided to let Ahmad go but they warned him, that if they catch him acting like that ever again, then… He wouldn’t like what he would experience

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