Moral Story: The Nosey Man


The Nosey Man

By: Habeeburrahman Abeebllahi Issah

Once Upon a time there was a man named Jack, Jack always poked his nose into other people’s affairs. Jack is the kind of person that when he saw a locked door he would wonder: “Why did the owner lock the door?” and he would look through the window to see why the owner locked the door. Then, when he saw why, he would be telling other people, telling them something they did not even ask for!

As you may have guessed, nobody liked Jack, but he did not care; He kept poking his nose into other people’s affairs and telling other people. People did everything they could to stop him, they even hired some of the most trained body guards to stop him. But he always found a way round it.

Jack kept doing what people said he shouldn’t do until one day, he went too far; The king of the country that Jack lived in had to retire, the people did not want the king to retire, because he was the best person in the country. People asked the king why he had to retire, but he always said: “It is a secret you would not want to know”; So the people just stopped asking.

But Jack being who he is, wanted to know why the king had to retire; That night, Jack sneaked out of his home and followed the retired king, they arrived at a mysterious place with men all dressed in black. Jack heard the retired king and one of the men talking and what they said shocked him.

The next day, Jack started to tell everybody what he heard last night; Obviously, people were shocked and the retired king was not happy with what he heard, he decided that Jack had gone too far and he had to be taught a very great lesson.

        That day, the retired king discussed a plan with his people. That very same day Jack went to his home to rest, what a long day! He then started dancing to his music when he saw someone looking through his window. Jack had never had people spying on him before, so this was a new experience; Jack screamed at the person and he ran away.

        Jack was feeling very angry and embarrassed, he thought to himself: “Why would anyone waste their energy on spying on me!”. He went outside and people started mocking him: “Look at his terrible dancing skills!”, “Look at the dancing man!” they said. Jack realized that the man that spied on him told everyone about his dancing how embarrassing!

        Jack stomped angrily, “Who is this man!” he thought,

he then saw a person hiding in the bushes laughing hysterically. When Jack went to see who the person is, he realized that the person was the same man who spied on him he turned red with anger and started screaming at him. Before his anger could escalate any further, the man reminded him about how he used to do the same thing to other people; Jack turned red with embarrassment and silently walked away.

        Ever since then, Jack became quite a good man with lots and lots of friends; Moral of the story is: “Never ever poke your nose into people’s private affairs”

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