Classification of verbs in Arabic Language into healthy and unhealthy verbs
(تقسيم الفعل إلى الصحيحة والمعتلة)
By: Yusuf Basirat Bolanle
In Arabic language, verbs can be classified according to how strong, healthy or sound they are.
In this regards, they can be categorically classified into two main categories. These are:
1- (الفعل الصحيحة) The Healthy or Sound or Strong verbs
2- (الفعل المعتلة) The Unhealthy or Sick or Weak verbs.
Let us look into each of the categories with examples to illustrate our explanations
1. The Healthy or Sound or Strong verbs(الفعل الصحيح) . These are the Arabic verbs that none of their root letters consists of the sick alphabets. They are verbs that are free from any sick letter or alphabets (حروف العلة).
The Sick Letters in Arabic language are referred to as the three alphabets of elongation, which are in most cases referred to as (حروف المد أو حروف العلة). They are (ا، و، ي).
Classes of Healthy or Sound or Strong Verbs (الفعل الصحيحة)
The healthy verbs can be further divided into three, which are
1- ( الفعل السَّالم) (The Complete healthy verbs)
2- ( الفعل المضعَّف) (The doubled Letter verbs)
3- (الفعل المهموز) (The Hamzah verbs)
a. (الفعل السالم)
(الفعل السالم) are the verbs that have no Hamzah (أ) or Shaddah (ّ) in any of their alphabets. Examples are;
شرِب الولد الماء
The boy drank the water
جلس الرجل على الكرسي
The man sat on the chair
ضرب عيسى أخَاه
Issah beat his brother
b. (الفعل المهموزة)
(المهموزة) are the verbs which one of their root alphabets is Hamzah, either at the beginning, middle or at the end. e.g
سأل الولد عن أبيه
The boy asked about his father
قرأ يوسف القرأن
Yusuf read the Quran
أمر المدرس الطلاب
The teacher commanded the students
c. (الفعل المضعف)
(المضعّف أو المشددة) are the verbs which two of its alphabets are put inside each other, making it doubled and represented by as-shaddah. e.g
فرَّ الرجل من السجن
The man ran away from the jail
شدَّ الجَيْشُ الحبل
The soldier tied the rope
عدَّ الفلاح ثمره
The farmer counted his fruit
2. (الفعل المعتلة) Unhealthy verbs
These are the categories of verbs that one or more of their root letters are sick or weak. They consist of one or two of sick letters which are referred to as (حروف العلة) (ا، و، ي)
Unhealthy verbs are categorized into the following categories:
1- ( الفعل المثال)
2- ( الفعل الأجوف)
3- (الفعل الناقص)
4- (اللفيف المفروق)
5- (اللفيف المقرون )
a. (الفعل المثال)
The first of these verbs is (المثال), al-Mithaal: are the verbs that consist of one of the sick letters at its beginning. That is, it begins with one of the sick alphabets usually (و) and (ي). Examples are
وعد الله المحسنين بالجنة
Allah promised the good doers with Al-jannah
وهب عيسى أخاه الحقيبة
Issah gifted his brother the bag
وجد يوسف قلمه فى الفصل
Yusuf found his pen in the class
b. (الفعل الأجوف)
The second one is (الفعل الأجوف). Ajwaf are the verbs which contain one of the sick letters in the middle. Examples are:
نام أبى فى غرفته
My father slept in his room
قام يوسف فى الفصل
Yusuf stood in the class
قال الله سبحانه وتعالى
Allah the most high said
c. (الفعل الناقص)
The third one is (الفعل الناقص). Naaqis are the verbs with one of the sick letters at the end. examples are:
يَخْشَى المسلم ربه
The Muslim fear his Lord
رَمى الولد الكرة
The boy threw the ball
قَضَى ربك أن لا تعبدوأ إلا إيَّاهُ
Your Lord commanded to worship none except Him
d. (لفيف مفروق)
The forth one is (لفيف مفروق) Lafiifu Mofruuq. This type of verbs contain two sick letters in a single verb, but the two sick letters are separated by other alphabet. Like having a sick letter in the beginning and at the end of a verb. e .g
وَفىَ الرجل عَهْدَهُ
The man fulfilled his promised
وَعَى زَيْدُ دَرْسَهُ
Zayd understood his lesson
e. (لفيف مقرون)
The last one is know as (لفيف مقرون) Lafiifu Moqruun. These are the verbs with two or more sick letters put together beside each other in a single verb. Examples of these are:
طَوَى المدير الكتاب
The headmaster folded the book
عَوَى الذِّئْبُ
The wolf howled