BY: Yusuf Basirat Bolanle


In Arabic language, the plurals are divided into sound and broken plurals. in this lesson, we are going to discuss the sound plural for masculine only. 


Plural (الجمع)

Plural in Arabic Language is known as (الجمع); it refers to the entities which are more than two in number.

In Arabic language, the nouns (الأسماء), the verbs (ألأفعال) and the Pronouns (الضمائر) have three forms, they are: (مفرد) singular, (مثنى) dual, and (جمع) plural.

the (مفرد) refers to a single item, the (مثنى) refers to two items and the (جمع) refers to three or more entities.


Sound Masculine Plural

The sound masculine plural is known in Arabic language as (جمع المُذَكَّر السّالم). They are those plurals that are formed by adding a suffix which are plural makers to the end of their singulars. This is because the sound masculine plural are always regular by adding (ون) or (ين) to their singular forms.


The formation of  Sound Masculine Plural can come in three ways, which are:

-The Sound Masculine Plural Pronouns (ضمائر الجمع المذكر السالم) for pronouns
-The Sound Masculine Nominal Plurals (أسماء الجمع المذكر السالم) for Nouns
-The Sound Masculine Verbal Plurals (أفعال الجمع المذكر السالم) for Verbs
1.The Masculine Plural Pronouns

 ( ضمائر الجمع المذكر السالم)

The masculine plural pronoun for the first person is (نحن) “We, while that of the second person is (أنتم) “You and The third person is (هم) “They



 plural (الجمع)     singular (المفرد)

We         نحن              I             أنا

You        أنتم             you         أنت

They      هم             He           هو


The Masculine Plural Pronoun (ضمير الجمع المذكر السالم) can be used as:

subject, object and possessive pronouns


- When they are used in the position of Subjects, functioning as the doers in the sentence. Examples are:


We are sitting             نحن نجلس

They are sitting           هم يجلسون

You are studying       أنتم تدرسون


- When used in the position of objects, functioning as the receiver of the actions in the sentence. Examples are:


I beat them        ضربتهم

I read them        قرأتهم


- They can be used with the preposition in the sentence and function as the prepositional object. Examples are:


I went to them                       ذهبت إليهم

The boy sat on them        جلس الولد عليهم


- They can be used as the possessive pronouns in the sentence. examples are:


Our book          كتابنا

Their book        كتابهم

Our car             سيارتنا

Their car           سيارتهم   



It is important to note that the pronouns remain the same regardless of their position in the sentence because they don’t have parsing marks.


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