By: Dr. Issah Abeebllahi Obalowu 

 Whatever grace is given to you in this short world is not necessarily a reward for your virtue and righteousness; it neither indicates that Allah is pleased with you, nor it determines the approval of your present act. Likewise, the hardship and other endless problems of this life signify not the wrath of Allah.  
However, the first and second situations mentioned are given to you as a means of putting you through a test. You should know that, the Goods, wealth, children, social status, means of livelihood…, all these are bestowed on you in order to test your performance and to enable you making use of them in a good course that pleases Allah. 
Similarly, all the hardships, losses, calamities that occur in your life and overtake you, do not necessarily signify the visitation of Allah’s punishment to you, as a result of your evil deed. Indeed, some of these misfortunes are resulted from some certain natural phenomena which cannot be avoided, while some of these hardships fall under the category of trials from Allah.
  Consequently, men do not get the same results for the same particular action carried out by them in the same manner. Anyway, this world is neither a House of Full Reward, nor a Place of all Punishment, it is rather a House of Trial. 
The consequences of actions which appear in this world cannot be taken as the only basis for judging people, and it is not a determinant of the righteousness and wickedness of a man.  However, the real face and actual status of everyone will be manifest before Allah in the last day. 
“Our Lord (Allah)! Give us what is good (and beautiful) in this world and what is good (and beautiful) in the Hereafter and protect us from the torment of the Fire”.

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