Moral Story: The Lazy Horse And The Hardworking Donkey

Written By: 

Habeeburrahman Abeebllahi Issah

Once upon a time, there was an intelligent and kind farmer. He used to care for his horse and his donkey and he let anyone take from his fruits.


He used to sell his fruits and he had a donkey and

a horse the donkey was hardworking while the horse was very lazy and didn’t want to do anything.

The farmer used to put all his fruits on the back of the horse and the donkey and they would then go to the market to sell it.

The horse used to moan and cause trouble whenever it was time for him to work because he didn’t want to do anything.

While the donkey used to be happy to do his work and the donkey was the farmers favorite.

The lazy horse was jealous of the hardworking donkey because he was favorited.

One day the lazy horse said: Oh my master! why do I always have to do work? Why can’t I just rest all day long?

The farmer said: Oh lazy horse!, you have to be hardworking you can’t just rest and day long you will have to work sometimes and rest sometimes. Please lazy horse be like the hard working donkey.

But the lazy horse didn’t listen and said: You know what, all this work is just useless and boring! I will run away if you don’t let me rest!

But the farmer ignored him, one day when they were going to the market the lazy horse accidentally fell in the mud when the lazy horse got up some of the fruits fell in the mud and the horse tried to get the fruits out but couldn’t.

But there were less fruits on the horse’s back and he went to the market with ease and said: You know, maybe I should be trying this more often.


When the farmer went to the market he saw that the amount of fruits had reduced and he was confused but when he came back to his farm he saw fruits in the mud and he was even more confused.

This kept going on every day until one day the farmer went to the mud and hid in a bush then he saw the lazy horse putting his fruits in the mud and said: What!?!?, so this is what that horse has been doing! I will teach him a lesson!

The next day he secretly put some sticky stuff on the lazy horse and when the horse purposely fell in the mud again he got stuck and said: When did this mud become so sticky!?!?, I can’t get out help help!!!!

The hardworking donkey saw the lazy horse stuck and helped him the lazy horse didn’t even thank the donkey for saving him and just ran away.

The next day the lazy horse was very tired and embarrassed because of what happened before

The farmer laughed and said: Oh you horse, this is your work you cannot do anything to skip it or ruin it I am very proud of my work and you are just destroying it you can’t even thank the donkey for saving you! Next time be more hardworking so that you can have time to rest, I am very ashamed of you.

From that day onward the horse became hardworking and kind and they lived happily ever after.

The End

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