By: Yusuf Basirat Bolanle

In our previous lesson, we discussed A Complete Sentence in Arabic Language. We explained that a complete sentence is a group of words that makes sense.
This sentence is made up of some parts, and these parts, when gathered together, form a complete sentence.

Now, Let us look at the parts of a sentence

Parts of a sentence in Arabic Language

A complete sentence in Arabic Language is made up of the following parts:

1- The Noun or (The Name) (الاسم )
2- The verb (الفعل)and
3- The preposition (الحرف)

       1.  The Noun (الاسم)

The Noun in Arabic Language is known as (الاسم)- It refers to a name of a person, animal, place or thing. A noun can also be defined as any word that is used to call people, animals, places and other things. Examples are:

رَكِبَ يُوسُفُ الْحِصَانَ 

Yusuf rode the horse


تَأْكُلُ رَاضِيَةُ الْخُبْز 

Rodiyah is eating the bread


يَلْعَبُ الْكَلْبُ فِى الْحَدِيقَةِ 

The dog is playing in the garden


تَطْلُعُ الشَّمْسُ فِى السَّمَاء

The sun is shining in the sky

سمع عيسى الأذان 

Issah heard the call to prayer

 In the above sentences, the words (يوسف), (راضية) and (عيسى) are all names of people, while the words (الحصان) and (الكلب) are animals’ names. Likewise the words (الخبز) and (الشمس) are names of things. Then,(الحديقة) and (السماء) and are the names of places.

However, all the above mentioned together are referred to as Names or Nouns.

      2. The Verb (الفعل)

The Verb in Arabic Language is known as (الفعل). A verb is a word that indicates an action in a sentence. Any word that is pointing to the occurrence of an action at a particular time is known as a verb. This time could be present, past or future time. Examples are:

ركِب يُوسُفُ الْحِصَانَ

Yusuf rode the horse


تَأْكُلُ رَاضِيَةُ الْخُبْزَ

Rodiyah is eating the bread


يَلْعَبُ الْكَلْبُ فِى الْحَدِيقَة

The dog is playing in the garden


تَطْلُعُ الشَّمْسُ فِى السَّمَاءِ

The sun is shining in the sky


سمع عيسى الأذان

Issah heard the call to prayer

A critical look at the above sentences, we discovered that the words (ركب), (تأكل), (يلعب), (تطلع) and (سمع) are all verbs, because they are all indicating actions performed by the subjects in the sentence at a particular time, which is either present, past or future times.

     3. The Preposition (الحرف)
A Preposition is a word that shows a relationship between two or more objects in a sentence. It is a word that cannot bring a full meaning on its own except it is attached to the other words in a sentence. When a preposition is mentioned solely, we cannot derive any meaning from it unless it is used with other words to form a meaningful statement. Examples are:

هل تريد الكتاب؟

Do you want the book


الولد يجلس على المقعد

The boy is sitting on the chair


يَلْعَبُ الْكَلْبُ فِى الْحَدِيقَةِ

The dog is playing in the garden


اللعبة على المكتب

The play toy is on the table


باسم الله تعالى

In the name of Allah

Now, If we take a look at the above sentences, we also discover that the words: (هل), (على), (فى), and (ب) are all prepositions. If each of these words are pronounced separately, they don’t convey any meaning on their own until they are joined together with other words  to form a sentence.

 Summarily, the parts of a sentence in the Arabic Language are: the Noun  (الاسم), the Verb (الفعل), and the Preposition  (الحرف) . Also, a complete sentence can only be formed with the combination of at least two or more words.

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