The Complete Sentence In Arabic Language (الجملة المفيدة)

By: Yusuf Basirat Bolanle

Arabic Complete Sentence 


A complete sentence in Arabic language is a group of words that makes a complete sense or that conveys a meaning. A complete sentence is simply referred to in Arabic Language as (الجملة المفيدة).

A complete sentence can be constructed from two words or combination of many words and each of the words is regarded as a part of the sentence.

Complete Sentence Constructed from Two Words

A complete sentence can be constructed from two words or more.

 Examples of a compete sentence that is constructed from two words.

الكرسي مكسور

The chair is broken


السماء ممطرة

The Heaven is raining


البستان جميل

The farm is beautiful


الولد جالس

The boy is sitting


الشمس طالعة

The sun is rising


Looking at the above examples, we found them constructed from two words only. those two words together make a complete sentence. If the two words are separated, then they are not making a complete sentence anymore.

like (البستان) (The farmland) and (جميل) (beautiful).


But, when the two are joined together, then we have a complete sentence: (The farm is beautiful) (البستان جميل)

The complete sentences constructed from three words and above. 

A complete sentence as said earlier can be constructed from three words and above. Here are the examples.

الطائر فوق الشجرة

The bird is on the tree


ينزل المطر من السماء

The rain is dropping from the sky


يلعب الأولد بالكرة

The boys are playing with the ball


يعيش الأسد فى الغابة

The Lion is living in the forest


ضرب المدرِّس طالبا

The teacher beat the student



it is important to point to the fact that only a  single word cannot make a complete sentence in Arabic Language.


The words like (اجلس) (sit), (قم) (stand) seem like a single word but gives a complete meaning.


The truth is that these words are not singles, they are constructed from two words, one of them is pronounced and the other is hidden and not pronounced.


The one that is not pronounced in the sentence is (أنت) which means (You). So, when we say (sit), the hidden word is (You). (اجلس أنت)(Sit,  you!).


The only one that is pronounced in the sentence is (اجلس) (sit)

While The one that is not pronounced is (أنت) which means (You). So, when we say (sit), the hidden word is (You).

(اجلس أنت)(Sit  you!).

More examples of complete sentence that look like a single word but are actually two words are:




اقرأ أنت

Read You





افتح أنت

Open You!

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