By: Yusuf Basirat Bolanle (Obakids Link TV)

In our previous lessons we discussed The formation of A Complete Sentence and Parts of A Complete Sentence in Arabic Language. Today, we shall talk on the Classifications or Types  of Verbs in Arabic Language.

The Verb (الفعل)

The verb in Arabic Language is known as (الفعل)

It is any word that indicates an action in a sentence. A verb shows the action that is being performed in a sentence by the subjects.


Classifications of Verb in Arabic Language

Verb in Arabic Language is divided into Three:


1.Past Tense (فِعْلُ الْمَاضِى)
2.Present Tense (فِعْلُ الْمُضَارِع)
3.Command Tense (فِعْلُ الْأَمْرِ)
Past Tense (فعل الماضى)

Past tense in Arabic Language is referred to as(فعل الماضى )   

It is any action that took place in the past. The past tense

indicates an event that had happened in the past.


جلس الولد

The boy sat down


كَتَبَتْ راضية

Rodiyah wrote


قرأ يوسف القرأنَ

Yusuf read the Quran


خَرَجَ الكلب 

The dog went out


ضَاعَ الكتاب

The book got lost


If we look at the above examples, we will discover that all the

 verbs (جلس), (كتب), (قرأ), (خرج), and (ضاع) are indicating the

 actions performed at a particular time. Then, if we look at

 these times, we find out that they are all indicating the past.

 That is, those actions were taken place in the past. These

 types of verbs are therefore, referred to as (فعل الماضى) Past

 Tense in Arabic Language


 2. Present Tense (فعل المضارع)

Present tense in Arabic Language is known as (فعل المضارع). It

 indicates all verbs that are pointing to the occurrence of an

 event in the present time or the future time. The present tense

 in Arabic Language must start with one of the following

 alphabets, which are referred to as the alphabets of present

 tense, they are: ( أ، ن، ي، ت).



أَغْسِلُ يَدَيَّ

I am washing my hand


نَقْرَأُ الْقُرأنَ

We are reading the Quran


يَجْلِسُ الْوَلَدُ

The boy is sitting down


تَكْتُبُ راضية

Rodiyah is writing


A critical look at the words (أَغْسِلُ), (نَقْرَأ), (يَجْلِسُ), and (تَكْتُبُ)shows

 that they are all verbs, happening at a particular time, which is

 present or future time. Again, if we look at the beginning of

 each of these verbs, we will discover that they all start with

 either of the following alphabets: (أ) (ن) (ي) (ت). These are the

 alphabets of present tense in Arabic Language.


3. Command Tense (فعل الأمر)

Command tense in Arabic language is known as (فعل الأمر). It

 indicates all verbs that requesting the occurrence of a

 particular action from someone.


اجْلِسْ يا ولد

Sit down you boy!


اكْتُبِى يا راضية

Write you Rodiyah!


اقْرَأْ القرأنَ

Read the Quran


اخْرُجُوا أيها الأولاد

Go out you boys!


أَطْعِمْنَ المساكينَ يا نساء

Feed the poor you women!


In the above examples, the words (اجلس), (اكتبى), (اقرا), (اخرجوا) and

 (أطعمن) are all verbs. Also, if we look at the sentences, we find

 out that the speakers there are requesting from the listeners 

 and commanding them to carry out a particular action. This

 type of the verb, requesting the occurrence of an action is

 known as Command Tense in Arabic Language. 



The verb in Arabic Language is an action word

 showing the occurrence of an event in either of the past,

 present or requesting for it as a command tense. Hence,

 these represent the classifications of verb accordingly,

 into Past Tense (فعل الماضى), Present Tense (فعل المضارع) and

 Command Tense (فعل الأمر).



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