By: Yusuf Basirat Bolanle

Arabic Language has 2 types of sentence:

They are: The Nominal and The Verbal sentences.

For the purpose of this lesson, we shall discuss the Nominal Sentence only, we shall talk on the definition, parts, uses and examples.



Nominal sentence is known as (الجملة الاسمية) in Arabic language.

It refers to the sentence that begins with a noun or a 

pronoun. Nominal sentence has its main parts.

Parts of a Nominal Sentence

It has 2 major parts which are:


-The subject (المبتدأ) and

-The predicate (الخبر)


The subject of the nominal sentence can be a noun or a pronoun while the predicate can be a noun, an adjective, preposition, or a verb.


The Subject 

 The subject of a nominal sentence performs the same function as that of a verbal sentence. The subject of any sentence is the doer of an action in the sentence. The subject of a nominal sentence can either be a noun or a pronoun as stated above.

In the following examples the subjects are underlined:


الولد جميل

The boy is handsome


البنت تقرأ

The girl is reading


صديقى ماليزيُّ

My friend is a Malaysian


الحديقة نظيفة

The Garden is neat


هذا مدرس قديم

This is an old teacher


هذه سيارة جديدة

This is a new car


نحن من نيجيريا

We are from Nigeria


أنا جوعان جدا

I am very hungry



A critical look at the above examples, it is clear that the underlined words are the subjects. These subjects are made up of both Nouns and Pronouns. This is an indication that a nominal sentence subject can be either noun or pronoun. 


The Predicate

The predicate completes the senescence of a nominal sentence and add sense to it or adds to its meaning to make a complete sentence


(Predicate)(الخبر)     Subject (المبتدأ)       Nominal Sentence
                                                            (الجملة الاسمية) 

الرجل طبيب            الرجل                 طبيب

The man is a doctor 


هذه مهندسة           هذه                  مهندسة

This is a female engineer 


هو مدرس              هو                   مدرس

He is a teacher 


نيجيريا فى أفريقيا         نيجيريا             فى أفريقيا

Nigeria is in Africa 


القلم تحت المكتب         القلم             تحت المكتب

The pen is under the table 


البيت كبير                البيت                    كبير

The house is big 


المدرس يقرأ الصحف      المدرس               يقرأالصحف

The teacher is reading the newspaper


 In the above table, the predicates are indicate separately in

 the last column, the bold and the underlined. The predicate 

can be a noun, adjective and adverb, preposition or even a

 verb as stated before. Hence, it describes or complete the 

sentence and adds meaning to it. 



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