VERBAL DUAL FORMS (لأفعال المثنى)
By: Yusuf Basirat Bolanle
In our previous lessons, we have discussed Dual Formation in Arabic Language, using The Pronouns and The Nouns.
In this lesson, we shall discuss the third part of the dual formation, which is the The Verbal Dual (الأفعال المثنى)
3. The Verbal Dual (الأفعال المثنى)
The dual maker for the verbs is like that of nouns which is (أ and ن), perhaps, the (ن) nun is only marked with the indicative verbs (المرفوع) because it replaces al-dammah of the singular indicative present verbs.
If the verbs are (المنصوب) subjunctive verbs or (المجزوم) jussive verbs, the (ن) nun is dropped.
- When the verbs are in their past forms, the dual will be indicated by (ا) alif,
المسلمان جلسا على الكرسي
The two Muslims sat on the chair
الطبيبتان شرِبتا قهوة
The two doctors drank coffee
- It is very important to note that (أ) alif only appears in the verb if the verb comes after the dual subjects. but if the dual subject comes after the verbs, the verb remains singular without adding alif.
جلس المسلمان على الكرسي
The two Muslims sat on the chair
المسلمان جلسا على الكرسي
The two Muslims sat on the chair
شربت الطببتان قهوة
The two doctors drank coffee
الطبيبتان شربتا قهوة
The two doctors drank coffee
If it is with the Present Tense (فعل المضارع)
Here, they can come in tree forms:
الفعل المفرد
فعل المثنى المرفوع
Subjective Case
الأمثلة فى الجمل
الولدان يدرسان
البنتان تلعبان
الفعل المفرد
الفعل المفرد
فعل المثنى المنصوب
Subjunctive Case
لن يدرسا
كى تلعبا
ألأمثلة فى الجمل
الرجلان لن يدرسا معنا
ذهبت البنتان إلى الميدان
الفعل المفرد
فعل المثنى المجزوم
Jussive Case
لم يدرسا
لا تلعبا
الأمثلة فى الجمل
الرجلان لم يدرسا فى الجامعة
لا تلعبا فى الميدان
Present Tense (فعل المضارع)
Here, they can come in tree forms:
Click here for Dual Pronoun Forms and Nominal Dual Forms