By: Yusuf Basirat Bolanle

Topic Outline: 

1. Introduction to the Earth’s Movement 

2. Definition of The Earth 

3. Types of the Earth’s Movement

-   Rotation and Revolution of The Earth

4. Brief explanation on the Rotation and Revolution of the earth.

5. Effects of the Rotation and Revolution of The Earth


Introduction to Earth’s Movement

The earth is one of the nine planets of the solar system.Earth, is the third planet from the sun. It is the only planet known to have atmosphere containing free oxygen, oceans of water and life on its surface. Earth is the fifth largest of the planets in the solar system. It is smaller than Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, But larger than Mercury, Mars and Venus. The solar system comprises of the sun and all the bodies moving round it.

Definition of The Earth

The Earth is the third planet from the sun and one of the nine planets of the solar system. The earth is the only planet that contains lives, because it contains free oxygen, oceans of water on its surface.The earth is the only planet in which life exists it consists of three parts and it is spherical in shape.

Types of Earth Movements

There are 2 types of Earth’s Movements. They are:

1.     Rotation of the earth

2.     Revolution of the earth

 Rotation of The Earth  

The earth rotates from the west to the east on imaginary line passing through its center. This rotation of the earth on its axis causes day and night. When the earth rotates, one half of it faces the sun and that causes the day, the other side which does not face the sun is dark and it is the night. The earth makes a complete rotation on its axis within twenty four hours.

Rotation means to “Spin”. The Earth rotates from west to east on its axis (an imaginary line running through the center of the earth from the North Pole to the South pole). 


Effects of Rotation of The Earth

1.  It causes day and night 

2.  It completes rotation within 24 hours or 1 day 

3.  Hemisphere- Half is experiencing day because it is facing the sun.

 Revolution of The Earth

At the time the earth rotates round the sun on its axis, it also at the same time revolves round the sun. The movement of the earth round the sun is called Revolution of the earth.

 The earth goes round the sun Counter Clockwise. It takes 365 days or 1 year to complete its revolution.

Effects of Revolution of The Earth

1.     It causes length of the year: long or short length.

2.     It causes changes in seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)




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