By: Yusuf Basirat Bolanle 



1.  Introduction to food web

 2. Definition of a food web

4. Importance of a food web in an ecosystem

In our previous lesson, we talked about Food Chain In An Ecosystem. Now, we shall discuss Food Web In An Ecosystem

What is a food web?

Food chain shows the relationship that exists between animals and other organisms in an ecosystem. When an animals is eaten  by many other animals or one animal eats many other animals of the lesser or the same category, The food web comes to expantiate on the theme contains in this type of food circulations among the animals in an ecosystem.

A food web explains the flow of energy represented by feeding among different animals in an ecosystem. The combination of many food chains make what we call a food web.

Food Web is a  representation of what transpires between different animals. this is  because consumers may eat different types of producers likewise more than one consumer may eat a producer.

Importance of a food web

a- Food web shows the relationship between one animal and the other in term of feeding

b- It shows which animals eats more that one animals and which animal can be gotten eaten by many other animals of different or the same categories

c- It displays the power one animal has over the other in term of feeding

d-Food web is an important conceptual tool for illustrating the feeding relationships among species within a community.

e- It reveals species interactions and community structure and

f- It helps in the understanding of the dynamics of energy transfer in an ecosystem.

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